About Me
Hi, My Name is Anurag Pathak. I am 43 years old (as on 01/07/2021). I stay in Delhi. As far as my profession is concerned I am an academic Teacher.
I have been teaching commerce subject for the last 18 years. I have expertise in teaching Accounts, Economics for 11th and 12th class of CBSE Board.
Apart from it, I also teach few subjects such as Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Costing, Corporate Accounting and Income Tax for B.COM(P/H).

See, Teaching is a noble profession. I believe in preparing our future generation not only with academic know-how but with goods virtue too.
Below are my social Media handles.
YouTube:- Commerce School – CBSE
Telegram:- Commerce School – CBSE
Android App:- Commerce School
ios App:-
Facebook Personal Profile:- Anurag Pathak
Facebook Page:-
You can contact me at these contact number
Phone No:- +919953584545
Email:- mycommerceschool@gmail.com