[CBSE] Q 10 Trial Balance Solution TS Grewal class 11 (2023-24)
Are you looking for the solution of question number 10 Trial Balance TS Grewal class 11 CBSE Board for the 2023-24 session?
Redraft correctly the Trial Balance given below:
Debit Balances | ₹ | Credit Balances | ₹ |
Capital Bad Debts Recovered Creditors Returns Outward Bank Overdraft Rent Salaries Trade Expenses Cash in Hand Opening Stock Purchases | 8,000 250 1,250 350 1,570 360 850 300 210 2,450 11,870 | Debtors Bank Deposits Discount Allowed Drawings Returns Inward Sales Bills Payable Grant Received | 7,580 2,750 40 600 450 13,690 1,350 1,000 |
27,460 | 27,460 |
[Total of Correct Trial Balance – ₹ 27,460.]


Below is the list of all solutions of Trial Balance chapter TS Grewal CBSE board for the 2023-24 Session.