[CBSE] Q 11 Trial Balance Solution TS Grewal class 11 (2023-24)
Are you looking for the solution of question number 11 Trial Balance TS Grewal class 11 CBSE Board for the 2023-24 session?
Prepare correct Trial Balance from the following Trial balance in which there are certain mistakes:
Head of Accounts | Dr. (₹) | Cr. (₹) |
Adjusted Purchases | 1,50,000 | |
Closing Stock | 40,000 | |
Debtors | 60,000 | |
Creditors | 30,000 | |
Fixed Assets | 50,000 | |
Opening Stock | 60,000 | |
Expenses | 20,000 | |
Sales | 2,00,000 | |
Capital | 90,000 | |
Total | 3,50,000 | 3,50,000 |
[Total of Correct Trial Balance – ₹ 3,20,000.]
[Hint: Since Adjuted Purcases is given, therefore, the opening stock will not be shown in the Trial Balance and Closing Stock will appear on the debit side.]


Below is the list of all solutions of Trial Balance chapter TS Grewal CBSE board for the 2023-24 Session.