Matching Type MCQs of National Income Microeconomics class 12

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Looking for important matching type MCQs of National Income chapter with answers of Macroeconomics class 12 CBSE, ISC, and state Board.

Matching Type Multiple Choice Questions of National Income chapter with answers of Microeconomics class 12

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From the set of statements given in Column I and Column II, choose the correct pair of statements:

Column – IColumn – II
ANational Income at Current Pricei)Real National Income
Bvalue Addedii)Value of Output – Change in Stock
CMixed Incomeiii)Income generated by own-account workers
DIncome Methodiv)Commodity Service Method


a) A – i
b) B – ii
c) C – iii
d) D – iv

Ans – c)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

i) Gross Domestic Capital FormationA – Net Domestic Capital Formation + Change in Stock
B – Gross Fixed Capital Formation + Inventory Investment


a) i – A
b) i – B

Ans – b)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

i) DividendA – Undistributed Profits
ii) Retained EarningsB – Distributed Profits


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – A

Ans – b)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

i) Net ExportsA – Domestic Concept
ii) Net Factor Income from AbroadB – National Concept


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – A

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – (A)Column – (B)
i) Value added methodA – Undistributed Profits
ii) Gross InvestmentB – Employer’s Contribution to social security schemes
iii) Retained EarningsC – GDPmp
iv) Compensation of EmployeesD – Inventory Method
v) ∑GVAmpE – Gross Fixed Capital Formation + Inventory Investment


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D, v – E
b) i – B, ii – C, iii – A, iv – E, v – D
c) i – D, ii – E, iii – A, iv – B, v – C
d) i – C, ii – A, iii – B, iv – D, v – E

Ans – c)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – (A)Column – B
i) – Value AddedA – Sales + Change in Stock
ii) – Income MethodB – Corporate Tax
iii) – Business TaxC – National Income at Constant Price
iv) – Value of OutputD – Value of Output – Intermediate Consumption
v) – Real National IncomeE – Distributive Share Method


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D, v – E
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – D, iv – C, v – E
c) i – C, ii – B, iii – A, iv – E, v – D
d) i – D, ii – E, iii – B, iv – A, v – C

Ans – d)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – (A)Column – (B)
i) GDP DeflatorA – Income generated by own-account workers
ii) Mixed IncomeB – Household Final consumption Expenditure + Private Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households Final Consumption Expenditure
iii) Private Final Consumption ExpenditureC – Price Index
iv) Expenditure MethodD – Nominal National Income
v) National Income at the current priceE – Income Disposal Method


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D, v – E
b) i – C, ii – A, iii – B, iv – E, v – D
c) i – B, ii – A, iii – C, iv – E, v – E
d) i – D, ii – B, iii – A, iv – C, v – E

Ans – b)

From the set of statements given in Column I and Column II, choose the correct pair of statements:

Column – IColumn – II
A) – NDPfci) National Income
B) NDPmpii) – GDPfc – Depreciation + Net Indirect Taxes
c) NNPfciii) Domestic Income
d) GNPfciv) NDPmp + Depreciation + Net Indirect Taxes + NFIA


a) A – i
b) B – ii
c) C – iii
d) D – iv

Ans – b)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – (A)Column – (B)
i) GNPmpA – NDPfc + Depreciation + Net Factor Income to abroad + Net Indirect Taxes
B – NDPfc + Depreciation – Net Factor Income to abroad + Net Indirect Taxes


a) i – A
b) i – B

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – (A)Column (B)
i) NDPfcA – GNPmp – Depreciation – Net Factor Income from abroad – Net Indirect taxes
B – GNPmp – Depreciation + Net Factor Income from abroad + Net Indirect Taxes


a) i – A
b) i – B

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – (A)Column – (B)
i) NDPfcA – GDPfc + Net Indirect Taxes – Depreciation
ii) GNPmpB – NNPfc
iii) Net Domestic Product at Market PriceC – GNPfc + Net Indirect Taxes – Consumption of Fixed Capital
iv) Net National Product at Market priceD – National Income + Depreciation + Net Indirect Taxes
v) National IncomeE – Domestic Income


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – E, v – D
b) i – E, ii – D, iii – A, iv – C, v – B
c) i – B, ii – A, iii – C, iv – E, v – D
d) i – C, ii – B, iii – A, iv – D, v – E

Ans – b)

From the set of statements given in Column I and Column II, Choose the correct pair of statements:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Final Goodsi) – Goods used for resale
B – Capital Goodsii) – Goods which help in production of other goods
C – Intermediate Goodsiii) – Goods used for consumption
D – Consumption Goodsiv) – Goods which satisfy the wants of the consumers directly


a) A – i
b) B – ii
c) C – iii
d) D – iv

Ans – b)

From the set of statements given in Column – I and Column – II, Choose the correct pair of statements:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Net Indirect Taxi) – Subsidies – Indirect Taxes
B – Factor Incomeii) – Scholarship
C – Transfer Incomeiii) Profit
D – Depreciationiv) Consumption of Fixed Capital


a) A – i
b) B – ii
c) C – iii
d) D – iv

Ans – d)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – IColumn – II
i) Intermediate ProductA – Paper purchased by a publisher
B – Paper purchased by a consumer


a) i – A
b) i – B

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) Consumption GoodsA – Durable Goods
ii) Capital GoodsB – Producer Goods


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – A

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) Factor IncomeA – Consumption of Fixed Capital
ii) Intermediate GoodsB – Received by factors of production
iii) DepreciationC – Scholarship
iv) Indirect taxD – Goods within the production boundary
v) Transfer IncomeE – Machinery purchased by a firm
vi) Final GoodsF – Goods and Services Tax


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D, v – E, vi – F
b) i – B, ii – C, iii – A, iv – E, v – D, vi – F
c) i – B, ii – D, iii – A, iv – F, v – C, vi – E
d) i – C, ii – A, iii – B, iv – E, v – D, vi – F

Ans – c)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) Consumption GoodsA – Help in raising production capacity
ii) Net Factor Income from abroadB – Net investment + Depreciation
iii) – Gross InvestmentC – Semi-durable goods
iv) Capital GoodsD – Economic Assistance
v) – SubsidiesE – Difference between National Income and Domestic Income


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D, v – E
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – E, iv – C, v – D
c) i – C, ii – E, iii – B, iv – A, v – D
d) i – D, ii – A, iii – C, iv – B, v – E

Ans – c)

From the set of statements given in Column I and Column II, Choose the correct pair of statements:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Money Flowi) It involves exchange of goods and services
B – Stockii) It has a time dimension
C – Real Flowiii) It is also known as Physical Flow
D – Flowiv) It is a static concept


a) i – A
b) ii – B
c) iii – C
d) iv – D

Ans – c)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) StockA – National Income
B – National Wealth


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – A

Ans – b)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) Real FlowA – Static Concept
ii) FlowB – Flow of goods and services between firms and households
iii) Money FlowC – Variable measured over a period of time
iv) StockD – Nominal Flow


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – B, ii – C, iii – D, iv – A
c) i – C, ii – A, iii – B, iv – D
d) i – D, ii – B, iii – A, iv – C

Ans – b)

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Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak

Anurag Pathak is an academic teacher. He has been teaching Accountancy and Economics for CBSE students for the last 18 years. In his guidance, thousands of students have secured good marks in their board exams and legacy is still going on. You can subscribe his youtube channel and can download the Android & ios app for free lectures.

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