Matching Type MCQs of Introduction Microeconomics class 11

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Looking for important Matching Type MCQs with answers and solutions of introduction chapter 1 of microeconomics class 11 CBSE.

We have compiled very important Multiple Choice Questions of Introduction chapter 1 with solutions of microeconomics class 11 CBSE.

Multiple Choice Questions of Introduction chapter of Microeconomics class 11 with answers

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From the set of statements given in Column I and Column II, Choose the correct pair of statements:

Column – IColumn – II
A) Microeconomicsi) Tools are aggregate demand and aggregate supply
B) Normative Economicsii) Aims to determine the ideals
C) Opportunity Costiii) Cost of the best alternative
D) Production possibility frontieriv) Convex shaped


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – iii)
d) D – iv)

Ans – b)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Microeconomicsi) Deals with the economic problems or economic issues at the level of an economy as a whole
B – Positive economics analysisii) Deals with the things ‘as they are”
C – Macroeconomicsiii) Deals with the economic problems or economics issues at the level of an individual
D – For whom to produceiv) Deals with the problem of choosing the technique of production.


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – iii)
d) D – iv)

Ans – b)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

i) MacroeconomicsA. aims to determine the price of a commodity
B. Aims to determine income and employment level of the economy


a) i) – A
b) i) – B

Ans – b)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternate:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Normative economic analysisi) Deals with the things as ‘they ought to be’
B – Scarcityii) Means that an economy have sufficient availability of goods to satisfy the unlimited human wants
C – What to produceiii) Related to the distribution of the produced output among the factors of production.
D – Opportunity costiv) Value of the earlier best alternative that is foregone when a choice is made


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – iii)
d) D – iv)

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

i) Positive EconomicsA – It is suggestive in nature
ii) Normative EconomicsB – It is not suggestive in nature


a) i) – A, ii) – B
b) i) – B, ii) – A

Ans – b)

Identify the correct paid from Column I and Column II and Choose the correct alternate:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Resourcesi) Scarce only in poor countries
B – Marginal opportunity costii) X/Y
C – What to produceiii) Concerned with choice of technique of production
D – Economic problemiv) Problem concerning with allocation of resources to different uses


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – iii)
d) D – iv)

Ans – d)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – (A)Column – (B)
i) Opportunity CostA – Technique to be used for production of goods and services
ii) Positive EconomicsB – Concave Shaped
iii) Production Possibility FrontierC – Cost of next best alternative foregone
iv) How to produceD – Deals with how the economic problems are actually solved.


a) i) – A, ii) – B, iii) – C, iv) – D
b) i) – B, ii) – A, iii) – D, iv) – C
c) i) – C, ii) – D, iii) – B, iv) – A
d) i) – D, ii) – A, iii) – C, iv) – B

Ans – c)

Match the following Column I and Column II and Choose the correct alternate:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Normative economicsi) Discovery of new natural resources
B – Microeconomicsii) It is suggestive in nature
C – Growth of resourcesiii) Cotton Industry
D – What to produceiv) Selection of goods and services to be produced

a) A – ii), B – iii), C – i), D – iv)
b) A – iii), B – ii), C – iv), D – i)
c) A – iv), B – ii), C – i), D – iii)
d) A – iv), B – i), C – ii), D – iii)

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) Normative EconomicsA – Transformation Curve
ii) MicroeconomicsB – Discovery of new natural resources
iii) Growth of ResourcesC – It is suggestive in nature
iv) What to produceD – Cotton Industry
v) Production possibility FrontierE – Selection of goods and services to be produced


a) i) – C, ii) – D, iii) – B, iv) – E, v) – A
b) i) – A, ii) – B, iii) – C, iv) – D, v) – E
c) i) – B, ii) – A, iii) – C, iv) – E, v) – D
d) i) – D, ii) – B, iii) – A, iv) – C, v) – E

Ans – a)

Which of the following pair is incorrect?

Column – IColumn – II
A – Mixed Economyi) Market forces of demand and supply
B – Central problems of an economyii) Scarcity of resources
C – Opportunity Costiii) Cost of next best alternative
D – Capitalist Economyiv) Central problems are dealt by industrialist


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – iii)
d) D – iv)

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) Concave PPFA – Constant MRT
ii) Convex PPFB – Increasing MRT
C – Decreasing MRT


a) i) – A, ii) – B
b) i) – B, ii) – C
c) i) – C, ii) – B

Ans – b)

Write the correct pair.

Column -IColumn – II
A – Market Economyi) Basis of demand and supply
B – Centrally Planned economyii) Both ‘Central authority’ and ‘Market forces’ play role
C – Mixed economyiii) Maximising social welfare


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – ii)
d) None of these

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) MicroeconomicsA – Income and Employment Theory
ii) MacroeconomicsB – Positive Economics
C – Price Theory


a) i) – C, ii) – A
b) i) – A, ii) – B
c) i) – B, ii) – C
d) i) – A, ii) – C

Ans – a)

Identify the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column I.

Column – IColumn – II
A – Economicsi) Theory of price
B – Microeconomicsii) Theory of multiplier
C – Macroeconomicsiii) Scarcity and choices


a) A – i), B – ii) C – iii)
b) A – ii), B – iii), C – i)
c) A – iii), B – i), C – ii)
d) A – ii), B – i), C – iii)

Ans – c)

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Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak

Anurag Pathak is an academic teacher. He has been teaching Accountancy and Economics for CBSE students for the last 18 years. In his guidance, thousands of students have secured good marks in their board exams and legacy is still going on. You can subscribe his youtube channel and can download the Android & ios app for free lectures.

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