Matching Type MCQs of Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence Class 12

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Looking for important matching type MCQs with answers of Indian Economy on the eve of independence chapter of (Indian Economy) Indian Economic development book class 12 CBSE, ISC and other state Board.

We have compiled very important MCQs of chapter 1 of (Indian Economy) Indian economic development book of Class 12

Multiple Choice Questions with answers of Indian Economy on the eve of Independence class 12

From the set of statements given in Column I and Column II, choose the correct pair of statements:

Column – IColumn – II
a) Year of Great Dividei) 1881
b) Agricultural Sectorii) the Main source of livelihood during British Rule
c) Infant Mortality Rateiii) Low during British Rule


a) a) – i)
b) b) – ii)
c) c) – iii)

Ans – b)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column AColumn B
i) Commercialization of Agriculturea) Involves shifting of crops from food crops to cash crops.
b) Involves shifting of crops from cash crops to food crops.


a) i) – a)
b) i) – b)

Ans – a)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column (A)Column (B)
i) First Official censusa) 1921
ii) Year of Great Divideb) 1881


a) i) – a)
b) i) – b), ii) – a)
c) ii) – a)
d) ii) – b)

Ans – b)

Match the statements given under A with the correct options given under B.

Column – AColumn – B
i) Share of the workforce in manufacturing and service sectorsa) 25%
ii) Share of the workforce in the agricultural sectorb) 50%
c) 75%


a) i) – a, ii) – c
b) i) – b, ii) – a
c) i) – c, ii) – b
d) i) – b, ii) – c

Ans – a)

Identify the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column I:

Column – IColumn – II
i) Motive of the British de-industrialisationa) To serve various colonial interests, like mobilising the army shifting raw materials
ii) Motive of British behind infrastructural developmentb) To use export surplus to make payments for expenses incurred by an office set up by the colonial government in Britain, to meet expenses on wat fought by the British government and to import invisible items.
iii) Motive of the British behind monoply control over India’s exports and importsc) To get raw materials from India at cheap rates and to sell finished British products in India at higher prices.


a) i) – a), ii) – b), iii) – c)
b) i) – b), ii) – a), iii) – c)
c) i) – c), ii) – c), iii) – b)
d) i) – c), ii) – a), iii) – b)

Ans – d)

Identify the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column i.

Column – IColumn – II
a) Opening of Suez Canali) 1757
b) First Railway Bridge linking Bombay with Thaneii) 1869
c) Battle of Plasseyiii) 1907
d) Setting up of TISCOiv) 1853


a) i), ii), iii), iv)
b) ii), iv), i), iii)
c) ii), iii), iv), i)
d) i), iv), ii), iii)

Ans – b)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column (A)Column (B)
A – Tata Iron and Steel Industryi) Established in 1907
B – Land settlementsii) Introduced by the money lenders
C – Suez Canaliii) Artificial waterway running from south to north
D – Introduction of railways in Indiaiv) 1850


a) A – i)
b) B – (ii)
c) C – (iii)
d) D – (iv)

Ans – d)

Identify the correct sequence of alternatives in Column II by Matching them with respective terms in Column I and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Capitalism(i) The contribution made by each sector of the economy
B – Planning Commissionii) Benefited the big farmers
C – Structural Composition of the economyiii) Prime Minister is the chairperson
D – Subsidiesiv) Also called the Market economy


a) i), ii), iii), iv)
b) iv), iii), i), ii)
c) iii), ii), i), iv)
d) ii), iv), i), iii)

Ans – b)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – British rule in Indiai) Almost one and a half century
B – Growth was low under British ruleii) Only half percent increase in GDP
C – First to estimate GDP under British ruleiii) Dadabhai Naoroji
D – French traveller describe aboutiv) Punjab


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – iii)
d) D – iv)

Ans – c)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Some progress in the agriculture sectori) Under irrigation
B – Low productivityii) Commercialisation of agriculture
C – Sound base under colonial ruleiii) Industrial sector
D – Suez Canal UK to Indiaiv) Through Bay of Bengal


a) A – (i)
b) B – (ii)
c) C – (iii)
D) d – (iv)

Ans – a)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Infant mortality rate under British rulei) 175 per thousand
B – Public sector role under British rule in the industrial sectorii) Limited
C – Public health facilitiesiii) Sufficient
D – Overall mortality rateiv) Higher than infant mortality rate


a) A – (i)
b) B – (ii)
c) C – (iii)
d) D – (iv)

Ans – b)

Match the following Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Suez Canali) 1869
B – First official census under the British ruleii) 1881
C – Tata Airlinesiii) 1932
D – Year of Great Divideiv) 1921


a) i), ii), iii), iv)
b) ii), i), iii), iv)
c) i), iv), iii), ii)
d) ii), iv), i), iii)

Ans – a)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Backwardi) Having all the resources
B – Depletedii) Devoid of resources
C – Stagnantiii) Increase in per capita income
D – Mortality Rateiv) Death of infants per thousand


a) A – (i)
b) B – (ii)
c) C – (iii)
d) D – (iv)

Ans – b)

Identify the correct pair from Column I and Column II and choose the correct alternative:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Economic infrastructurei) Education
B – Social infrastructureii) Energy
C – Essential for healthiii) Sanitation
D – Essential for communicationiv) Transport


a) A – i)
b) B – ii)
c) C – iii)
d) D – iv)

Ans – c)

State the correct combination between the following columns

Column – IColumn – II
A – 1850i) Establishment of TISCO
B – 1921ii) British introduced railways in India
C – 1907iii) First railway bridge linking Bombay with Thane
D – 1854iv) The year of Great Divide


a) A – ii), B – (iv), C – iii),D – i)
b) A – i), B – iv), C – iii), D – ii)
c) A – ii), B – iv), C – i), D – iii)
d) A – iii), B – iv), C – i), D – ii)

Ans – c)

State the correct combination between the following columns explaining the status of the following sectors during the colonial rule.

Column – IColumn – II
A – Agricultural sectori) Need for expansion and up-gradation
B – Industrial sectorii) Need for enhanced public investment and diversification
C – Service Sectoriii) Saddled with surplus labour
D – Infrastructural sectoriv) Export surplus which was used to meet the war expenses


a) A – (ii), B – (iv), C – (iii), D – (i)
b) A – (iii), B – (iv), C – (i), D – (ii)
c) A – (ii), B – (iv), C – (i), D – (iii)
d) A – (iii), B – (ii), C – (iv), D – (i)

Ans – d)

State the correct combination between the following columns.

Column – AColumn – B
A – Life Expectancyi) Number of children dying before the age of one per 1000 live births
B – Per capita incomeii) Number of years a person is expected to live at the time of birth
C – Infant Mortality Rateiii) The number of live births per thousand of population per year
D – Birth Rateiv) Income per person in the economy.


a) A – iii), B – ii), C – i), D – iv)
b) A – i), B – iii), C – ii), D – i)
C) A – ii), B – iv), C – i), D – iii)
d) A – iv), B – iii), C – ii), D – i)

Ans – c)

Write the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column I:

Column – IColumn – II
A – India’s first official censusi) less than 2%
B – Introduction of the railways in Indiaii) about 7%
C – India’s annual growth rate of aggregate real output during the colonial periodiii) 1850
D – Female literacy level at the time of independenceiv) 1881


a) i), ii), iii), iv)
b) iii), ii), i), iv)
c) ii), i), iv), iii)
d) iv), iii), i), ii)

Ans – d)

Write the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column I:

Column – IColumn – II
A – Focus of the economic policies pursued by the colonial government in India.i) To use a large export surplus to make payments for the expenses incurred by an office set up in British, expenses on war, and import of invisible items.
B – Motive of the British behind the systematic de-industrialization in India.ii) To reduce India to the status of a mere exporter of important raw materials for the upcoming modern industries in Britain.
C – Motive of the British behind infrastructural development in India.iii) Protection and promotion of the economic interest of their home country then with the development of the Indian economy.
D – Motive of the British behind monopoly control over India’s exports and importsiv) To subserve various colonial interests, e.g. mobilising the army within India and drawing out raw materials from the countryside to the nearest railway station or the port to send these to England.


a) i, ii, iii, iv
b) iii, ii, iv, i
c) ii, i, iv, iii
d) iv, i, ii, iii

Ans – b)

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Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak

Anurag Pathak is an academic teacher. He has been teaching Accountancy and Economics for CBSE students for the last 18 years. In his guidance, thousands of students have secured good marks in their board exams and legacy is still going on. You can subscribe his youtube channel and can download the Android & ios app for free lectures.

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