Matching Type MCQs of NPO Accountancy class 12

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Looking for important Matching Type MCQs of NPO (Not for profit organization) chapter with answers and explanation of Accountancy class 12 CBSE, ISC, and other State Boards.

We have compiled a list of very important Matching Type Multiple Choice Questions of Not for-profit organisations (NPO) with answers of accountancy class 12

Matching Type Multiple Choice Questions of NPO chapter with answers of Accountancy class 12

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Match the following items in Not for Profit Organisation:

i)It is like a summary of cash transactionsAIncome and Expenditure A/c
ii)It is like a Profit and Loss A/cBOpening Balance Sheet
CReceipts and Payment A/c


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – C
c) i – A, ii – C
d) i – C, ii – A

Ans – d)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Receipts and Payments Account is aACash Basis
ii)Receipts and Payments Account record transactions ofBNon-Cash Itmes
iii)In Receipts and Payments Account all transactions are recorded onCCapital and Revenue Nature
iv)In Receipts and Payments Account, no adjustment are made forDReal Account


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – B, ii – C, iii – A, iv – D
c) i – D, ii – C, iii – A, iv – B
d) i – C, ii – A, iii – B, iv – D

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Receipts and Payments AccountsAProfit Organisation
ii)Receipts and Payments Account is prepared for aBSummary of Cash Book
iii)Income and Expenditure Account is prepared for aCNot for Profit Organisation


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – C
c) i – C, ii – B, iii – A
d) i – B, ii – C, iii – C

Ans – d)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Receipts and Payments Account is preparedAOn Accrual Basis
ii)Income and Expenditure Account shows Surplus in case ofBExcess of Expenditure over Income
iii)Income and Expenditure Account is preparedCExcess of Income over Expenditure
DOn Cash Basis


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – C
c) i – D, ii – C, iii – A
d) i – C, ii – B, iii – D

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Service MotiveAAssets Side
ii)Accrued InterestBProfit Earning Organisation
iii)Subscription received in advanceCLiabilities Side
iv)Profit MotiveDNon Profit Organisation


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – D, ii – A, iii – C, iv – B
c) i – B, ii – A, iii – C, iv – D
d) i – C, ii – B, iii – A, iv – D

Ans – b)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Receipts and Payments Account showsAExcess of Income over Expenditure
ii)Receipts and Payments Account does not showBCash in Hand
CExcess of Expenditure over Income
DCash at Bank


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – C
c) i – b,d, ii – a,c
d) i – C, ii – D

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)How are not for profit organisations organisedAShareholders
ii)How are not for profit organisations managedBSocieties
DExecutive Committee


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – C
c) i – C, ii – D
d) i – B, ii – D

And – d)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Surplus isAExcess of Expenditure over Income
ii)Deficit isBExcess of Liabilities over Assets
iii)Opening Capital Fund isCExcess of Income over Expenditure
DExcess of Assets over Liabilities


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C
b) i – B, ii – C, iii – A
c) i – C, ii – A, iii – D
d) i – D, ii – B, iii – A

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Donation for BuildingADr. Side of Income and Expenditure A/c
ii)Arrears of subscription at the beginning of the yearBCr. Side of Income and Expenditure A/c
iii)Endowment FundCAssets side of Opening Balance Sheet
iv)Deficit of a FundDLiabilities side of Closing Balance Sheet


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – D, iv – C
c) i – D, ii – C, iii – D, iv – A
d) i – C, ii – B, iii – A, iv – D

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Legacy is shown in Balance Sheet because it isAOpening Balance Sheet and Closing Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure A/c
ii)Entrance Fees is shown inBShown in Receipts and Payment A/c
iii)Opening and Closing Cash Balance are shown inCCapital Nature Income
DIncome and Expenditure A/c


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C,
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – C
c) i – C, ii – D, iii – B
d) i – D, ii – A, iii – C

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Outstanding rent of a current yearAAdded to rent on Dr. side of Income and Expenditure Account
ii)Outstanding rent of previous yearBAdded to rent on Cr. side of Income and Expenditure Account
iii)Prepaid rent of current yearCDeducted from rent on Dr. side of Income and Expenditure Account
iv)Prepaid rent of previous yearDDeducted from rent on Cr. side of Income and Expenditure Account


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – D, iv – C
c) i – A, ii – C, iii – C, iv – A
d) i – C, ii – A, iii – D, iv – B

Ans – c)

Match the following items:

i)Revenue Receipts for the NPOsALegacy
ii)Capital Expenditure for the NPOsBPurchase of Books
iii)Capital Receipts for the NPOsCDonation Received
iv)Revenue Expenditure for the NPOsDPurchase of Newspapers


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – C, ii – B, iii – A, iv – D
c) i – B, ii – A, iii – C, iv – D
d) i – D, ii – C, iii – B, iv – A

Ans – b)

Match the following items:

i)Rent received will be shown inAas expense in Income and Expenditure A/c
ii)Donations received for Swimming Pool is a BCapital Receipts
iii)Donations received will be shown inCCapital Expenditure
DReceipts side of Receipts and Payments Account


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – D
c) i – D, ii – B, iii – D
d) i – C, ii – A, iii – B

Ans – c)

Match the following items:

i)Specific DonationAIncome and Expenditure Account
ii)General DonationBBalance Sheet
iii)LegacyCTrading Account


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – B
c) i – C, ii – B, iii – A
d) i – D, ii – C, iii – B

Ans – b)

Match the following items:

i)Information of cash position of Non Profit Organisation is provided byABalance Sheet
ii)Information of financial status of Non Profit Organisation is provided byBReceipts and Payments Account
CIncome and Expenditure Account
DSubscription Account


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – C
c) i – B, ii – A
d) i – D, ii – C

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Tournament Fund ₹80,000 and Tournament Expenses ₹70,000A₹40,000 is credited as Income and ₹25,000 is debited as Expenses.
ii)Tournament Fund ₹80,000 and Tournament Expenses ₹1,00,000B₹50,000 is credited as Income and ₹60,000 is debited as Expenses.
iii)Tournament Receipts ₹40,000 and Tournament Expenses ₹25,000C₹10,000 will be shown on Liabilities side of Balance Sheet.
iv)Tournament Receipts ₹50,000 and Tournament Expenses ₹60,000D₹20,000 will be debited to Income and Expenditure Account.


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – B, ii – A, iii – D, iv – C
c) i – C, ii – D, iii – A, iv – B
d) i – D, ii – A, iii – B, iv – C

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Sale of sports materialsARevenue Receipts
ii)Sale of sports equipmentBRevenue Expenditure
iii)Sale of old newspapersCCapital Receipt
DCapital Expenditure


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C
b) i – B, ii – D, iii – A
c) i – A, ii – C, iii – A
d) i – C, ii – A, iii – B

Ans – c)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Amount paid for the stationery is shown inATrading Account
ii)Creditor for stationery is shown inBReceipts and Payment Account
iii)Advance paid to supplier of stationery is shown inCBalance Sheet
iv)Closing stock of stationery is shown in


a) i – A, ii – B, iii – C, iv – D
b) i – B, ii – C, iii – C, iv – C
c) i – C, ii – D, iii – A, iv – B
d) i – D, ii – A, iii – B, iv – C

Ans – b)

Match the following items:

i)How much amount will be shown in income and expenditure account if club has 500 members each paying an annual subscription of ₹100. The outstanding subscription for current year is ₹4,000.A₹1,00,000
ii)How much amount will be shown in income and expenditure account is club has 500 members each paying an annual subscription of ₹200. Outstanding subscription for current year is ₹4,000 and subscription received in advance ₹1000.B₹54,000


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – C
c) i – C, ii – D
d) i – C, ii – A

Ans – d)

Match the following items:

i)Salary paid by the club is ₹1,50,000 in the current year, how much amount will be shown in the income & Expenditure account if the unpaid salary was ₹10,000 and salary paid in advance for the next year was ₹2,000.A₹1,42,000
ii)Salary paid by club is ₹1,50,000 in current year, how much amount will be shown in income and expenditure account if unpaid salary was ₹7,000 for previous year and salary paid in advance for the next year was ₹2,000.B₹1,58,000


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – C
c) i – C, ii – D
d) i – B, ii – D

Ans – d)

Match the following items in NPO:

i)Amount paid for sports material during the year is ₹60,000; stock of sports material at the beginning and end of year ₹3,900 and ₹3,500. Creditors for sports materials at the beginning and end is ₹6,000 and ₹5,000. How much amount is shown on debit side of Income and Expenditure Account.A₹60,400
ii)Purchase of sports material during the year is ₹60,000; stock of sports material at the beginning and end of year ₹3,900 and ₹3,500. Creditors for sports materials at the beginning and end is ₹60,00 and ₹5,000. How much amount is shown on debit side on Income and Expenditure Account.B₹59,400


a) i – A, ii – B
b) i – B, ii – C
c) i – B, ii – A
d) i – C, ii – D

Ans – c)

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Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak

Anurag Pathak is an academic teacher. He has been teaching Accountancy and Economics for CBSE students for the last 18 years. In his guidance, thousands of students have secured good marks in their board exams and legacy is still going on. You can subscribe his Youtube channel for free lectures

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