[CBSE] Business Studies syllabus class 11 (2022-23)

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Looking for syllabus of Business Studies class 11 CBSE Board for 2022-23 session.

We have summed up the syllabus in detail.

CBSE class 11 Business Studies syllabus for 2022-23

Theory 80 Marks – Time 3 Hours

Project 20 Marks

Part AFoundations of Business
Nature and Purpose of Business
Forms of Business Organisations
Public, Private and Global Enterprises
Business Services
Emerging Modes of Business
Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics
Part BFinance and Trade
Sources of Business Finance
Small Business
Internal Trade
International Business
Project Work20

Part A: Foundation of Business

Concept includes meaning and features

Unit 1: Evolution and Fundamentals of Business

History of Trade and Commerce in India: Indigenous Banking System, Rise of
Intermediaries, Transport, Trading Communities: Merchant Corporations,
Major Trade Centres, Major Imports and Exports, Position of Indian Sub-Continent
in the World Economy.

Business – meaning and characteristics

Business, profession and employmentConcept

Objectives of business

Classification of business activities – Industry and Commerce

Industry-types: primary, secondary, tertiary Meaning and subgroups

Commerce-trade: (types-internal, external; wholesale and retail) and auxiliaries to
trade; (banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing, communication, and
advertising) – meaning

Business risk-Concept

Unit 2: Forms of Business organizations

Sole Proprietorship-Concept, merits and limitations.

Partnership – Concept, types, merits and limitation of partnership, registration of a
partnership firm, partnership deed. Types of partners

Partnership vs. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Hindu Undivided Family Business: Concept

Cooperative Societies-Concept, merits, and limitations.

Company – Concept, merits and limitations; Types: Private, Public and One Person

Private Company vs. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Formation of company – stages, important documents to be used in formation of a
company Choice of form of business organization

Unit 3: Public, Private and Global Enterprises

Public sector and private sector enterprises – Concept

Forms of public sector enterprises: Departmental Undertakings, Statutory Corporations and Government Company.

Global Enterprises – Feature. Joint ventures, Public private partnership – concept

Unit 4: Business Services

Business services – meaning and types. Banking: Types of bank accounts – savings, current, recurring, fixed deposit and multiple option deposit account

Banking services with particular reference to Bank Draft, Bank Overdraft, Cash credit.
E-Banking meaning, Types of digital payments

Insurance – Principles. Types – life, health, fire and marine insurance – concept

Postal Service – Mail, Registered Post, Parcel, Speed Post, Courier – meaning

Unit 5: Emerging Modes of Business

E – business: concept, scope and benefits

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Concept, need and scope

Unit 6: Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics

Concept of social responsibility

Case for social responsibility

Responsibility towards owners, investors, consumers, employees, government and

Role of business in environment protection

Business Ethics – Concept and Elements

Part B: Finance and Trade

Unit 7: Sources of Business Finance

Concept of business finance

Owners’ funds – equity shares, preferences share, retained earnings, Global Depository receipt (GDR), American Depository Receipt (ADR) and
International Depository Receipt (IDR) – concept

Borrowed funds: debentures and bonds, loan from financial institution and commercial banks, public deposits, trade credit, Inter Corporate Deposits (ICD).

Unit 8: Small Business and Enterprises

Entrepreneurship Development (ED): Concept, Characteristics and Need. Process of Entrepreneurship Development: Start-up India Scheme, ways to fund start-up. Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship

Small scale enterprise as defined by MSMED Act 2006 (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act)

Role of small business in India with special reference to rural areas

Government schemes and agencies for small scale industries: National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and District Industrial Centre (DIC) with special
reference to rural, backward areas

Unit 9: Internal Trade

Internal trade – meaning and types services rendered by a wholesaler and a retailer

Types of retail-trade-Itinerant and small scale fixed shops retailers

Large scale retailers-Departmental stores, chain stores – concept

GST (Goods and Services Tax): Concept and key-features

Unit 10: International Trade

International trade: concept and benefits

Export trade – Meaning and procedure

Import Trade – Meaning and procedure

Documents involved in International Trade; indent, letter of credit, shipping order,
shipping bills, mate’s receipt (DA/DP)

World Trade Organization (WTO) meaning and objectives

Unit 11: Project Work

As per CBSE guidelines.

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Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak

Anurag Pathak is an academic teacher. He has been teaching Accountancy and Economics for CBSE students for the last 18 years. In his guidance, thousands of students have secured good marks in their board exams and legacy is still going on. You can subscribe his youtube channel and can download the Android & ios app for free lectures.

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