[ISC] class 12 Commerce Syllabus (2023-24)

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Looking for Commerce subject syllabus class 12 of ISC Board 2023-24.

Don’t worry I have explained the syllabus of Class 12 Commerce syllabus of ISC Board for the 2023-24 Session.

Table of Contents

Syllabus of Commerce class 12 ISC Board 2023-24

There will be two papers on the subject. Following are the brief detail.

Paper – ITheory3 Hours80 Marks
Paper-IIProject Work20 Marks

Read Here:- [ISC Board] TS Grewal Solutions Accounts Class 12 2022-23

Detail of Paper – I (Theory)

The Theory paper of Commerce class 12 of ISC Board consists of 2 Parts

Part – I

Part – II

Let’s Discuss both the part in detail

Part – IIt Consists of Compulsory Short Answer Questions to test knowledge, application and
skills relating to elementary/fundamental aspects of
the entire syllabus
20 Marks
Part – IIIt consists of 8 questions out of which candidates will be required to answer five questions,
Each Question carries 12 marks.
60 Marks
Total80 Marks

Accounts Syllabus class 12 ISC Board (2023-24)

Economics Syllabus Class 12 ISC Board (2023-24)

Business Studies Syllabus Class 12 ISC Board (2023-24)

Business Environment

Concept, and importance of Business Environment.

Meaning, features and importance of Business Environment;

Dimensions of Business Environment – Micro (Internal and External factors) and Macro (Economic, social, technological, political and legal) – meaning and components.

S.W.O.T. Analysis – A basic understanding of S.W.O.T. (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) Analysis.


(i) Capital: Sources of finance for a sole trader; partnership; Joint Stock Company; financial planning.

Importance of finance for business. Sources of finance for different types of business

Meaning, features, and importance of financial planning. Factors affecting the capital structure.

Fixed capital – meaning, factors affecting fixed capital. Working capital – meaning, types; factors affecting working capital. Comparison between fixed and working capital.

(ii) Sources of finance for a Joint Stock Company.

(a) Different types of shares: equity, preference.

Bonus shares, rights issue, ESOP, Sweat Equity Shares, Retained earnings.

Long-term sources of funds.

Equity shares – features, advantages, and disadvantages.

Preference shares – features, types advantages, and disadvantages; the distinction between equity shares and preference shares.

Bonus and rights issue, ESOP and Sweat Equity Shares – meaning. Distinction between bonus shares and right shares.

Retained earnings – meaning, merits and demerits.

(b) Loan capital: debentures.

Debentures – meaning; kinds of debentures; advantages and disadvantages of debentures.

The distinction between shares and debentures.

(c) Loans from commercial banks and Financial Institutions.

Loans from commercial banks and Financial Institutions – meaning, advantages and disadvantages.

(d) Short-term sources of funds.

Short-term sources of funds – different types of short-term financial assistance by Commercial Banks; public deposits, trade credit, customer advances, factoring, Inter-corporate deposits, and installment credit. Meaning, the advantages, and disadvantages of various sources of funds.

(iii)Banking – latest trends.

Online services- transfer of funds through Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), issue of demand drafts online meaning and features.

Online payments, e-Banking – meaning and features, advantages and disadvantages.

Mobile Banking – SMS alerts, transfer of funds, making payments – advantages and

Debit Cards vs Credit Cards, ATM (Automated Teller Machine) – Meaning; Debit card and credit card: features and differences.


(i) Management: Meaning, objectives and characteristics of management.

Meaning of Management: as an activity; as a group; as a discipline; as a process.
Objectives and characteristics of management.

(ii) Nature of Management – Science, Art and Profession.

Self explanatory.

(iii)Importance of Management.

Self explanatory.

(iv) Principles of Management: nature of principles; need for principles. Nature of principles of Management; need for principles of management; Taylor’s 5 scientific principles of Management;

Fayol’s 14 principles of Management; Relevance of the principles of Management
in today’s business scenario. Comparison of Taylor’s and Fayol’s principles.

(v) Functions of Management: Planning; Organising; Staffing; Directing; Controlling
and Coordinating.

(a) Planning: Meaning, steps, importance & limitation; Types of plans; Objectives,
policy, procedures, method, role, budget, program – meaning, features
and differences.

(b) Organising: Meaning, importance, steps; Structure of organization (line, line and staff, functional and divisional; Formal and informal organization) – Meaning, features, merits, demerits and differences between line and line & staff, functional and divisional, formal and informal; Meaning and importance of delegation of authority; Decentralization v/s Centralization, comparison between delegation and
decentralization, merits, and demerits.

(c) Staffing:

Meaning, steps and importance; Recruitment – Meaning and sources; Selection –Meaning and procedure; Training and development – Meaning, types of training, difference between selection and recruitment, Training and Development.

(d) Directing:

Meaning and importance; SupervisionMeaning, functions and span of control;

Motivation – Meaning and Maslow’s theory; Leadership- Meaning and qualities of a good leader; Communication – Meaning, objectives and process. Barriers to communication and overcoming barriers to communication.

(e) Controlling:

Meaning, steps and importance; Relationship between Planning and Controlling; Management by Exception.

(f) Coordination:

Meaning of Coordination; Coordination as an essence of Management.


(i) Marketing: concept and functions.

Meaning and types of markets; meaning and features of marketing. Marketing concepts: traditional v/s modern – meaning and features of traditional and modern
concepts of marketing.

Comparison between marketing and selling. Objectives and importance of marketing; functions of marketing – meaning, features of each function of marketing.

(ii) Marketing Mix – Meaning and Elements.

Product Mix – goods and services – meaning, features and types of goods; meaning, features of services; difference between product and services.

Branding: meaning and merits. Labeling: meaning and merits. Packaging: meaning and features of good packaging.

Price Mix – meaning, factors determining price.

Place Mix – meaning, channel of distribution choice of channels of distribution and physical distribution.

Promotion Mix – Meaning and elements.

Elements – Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and publicity – meaning,
features, objectives and differences.

(iii)Consumer protection: rights of consumers, methods of consumer protection.

Need for consumer protection; methods of consumer protection – self-help, legislative measures and consumer associations/NGOs, Consumer Protection
Act, 2019 – Rights of consumers.

The Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions (National, State, and District).
Difference between Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and Consumer Protection Act,


Candidates will be expected to have completed two projects from any topic covered in Theory.

The project work will be assessed by the teacher and a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved by the Council.

Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]:

Overall format1 mark
Content4 marks
Findings2 marks
Viva-voce based on the Project3 marks

A list of suggested Projects is given below:

  1. Compare marketing strategies adopted by two different companies of the same industry (FMCG / Telecommunication / media / education industry etc.) keeping in mind the following:
    − Product mix
    − Price Mix
    − Place Mix
    − Promotion Mix
  2. Collect newspaper/magazine clippings of five cases filed by consumers in the Consumer Court.
    Find out the rights violated, and the redressal mechanism used.
    What was the outcome of each case?
  3. Visit a commercial Bank. Find out the procedure to open a savings account.
    Find out the details of various Agency & General utility services provided by the bank.
  4. Compare the interest rates offered by five different commercial banks on fixed deposits under various categories (general and senior citizens) and various time durations.
    Find out the procedure and formalities for opening a fixed deposit account.
    What is the procedure for closing the account on maturity and before maturity period?
  5. Select five different companies across varying industries such as I.T., textiles, FMCG, Health Care, etc., included in the SENSEX. Keeping a hypothetical base money of Rupees One Lakh, invest in the shares of the selected companies.
    The movement of share prices selected by you should be monitored over a period of one month on a daily basis. A uniform / standard practice of either using the opening price or the closing price on a particular day of the week
    should be used by all students in the class.
    At the end of the month, analyse your investment in a spread sheet and give reasons for your choice of scripts.
  1. Find out the names of companies under various sectors (FMCG, Pharma, automobile, etc) included in the NIFTY and the SENSEX.
    Make a chart of the same and track its movements over a period of one week.
  2. (a) Study the sources of recruitment and steps involved in the selection procedure adopted by two companies of the same industry.
    (b) Compare and evaluate the sources of recruitment and the selection process
    adopted by the selected companies.
  3. Formulate a capital plan for a hypothetical business organization. Justify your formulated plan.
  1. Choose two companies of the same industry. Study their organizational structure. Also give information with regard to:
    (i) Hierarchy
    (ii) Centralization and delegation of authority
    (iii)Flow of information (scalar chain)
    (iv) Span of control
    (v) Channel of communication.
  2. Select any business undertaking. Study the selected business in terms of ownership, capital and profitability.
    Make a S.W.O.T. analysis and present it in a tabular form.

NOTE: No question paper for Project Work will be set by the Council

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Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak

Anurag Pathak is an academic teacher. He has been teaching Accountancy and Economics for CBSE students for the last 18 years. In his guidance, thousands of students have secured good marks in their board exams and legacy is still going on. You can subscribe his Youtube channel for free lectures

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