Important MCQs of Staffing chapter of Business Studies Class 12

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Looking for important MCQs of staffing chapter of Business studies of class 12 with answers of CBSE, ISC, and other State Boards.

We have compiled a comprehensive list of very important multiple choice questions with answers of the staffing chapter of BST class 12

Multiple Choice Questions of staffing gchapter of Business Studies Class 12

Let’s Practice.

The function of staffing is performed by:

a) Top-level Management
b) Middle-Level Management
c) Operative level Management
d) All the levels of Management

Ans – d)

“Appointment is as per the requirement and satisfaction of the Job”. This is related to which
importance of staffing.

a) Filling the roles by obtaining competent persons
b) Placing the right person at the right job.
c) Optimum utilisation of human resources
d) Improves job satisfaction and morale of the employee.

Ans – b)

An analysis that enables an assessment of a number of humans required in the organisation is:

a) Development
b) Promotion
c) Workload analysis
d) Workforce analysis

Ans – c)

Under which training method, factory-like conditions are created?

a) Vestibule Training
b) Apprenticeship Training
c) Internship Training
d) Induction Training

Ans – a)

Which of the following is an important merit of an internal source of recruitment?

a) No need for induction training
b) Source of Motivation
c) wide choice
d) Fresh Talent

Ans – a), b)

The form which contains certain vital details about the candidate, which is authenticated and attested by him or her is:

a) Job offer
b) Contract of employment
c) Medical Test Report
d) None of the above

Ans – c)

The Information Technology department of Hi-Tech Ltd. had few vacancies in cyber security.
The Human Resource Department of the company decided to recruit the fresh engineers and graduate of IT from IIT University. The type of recruitment is

a) Placement Agencies
b) Employment Exchange
c) Direct Recruitment
d) Campus Placement

Ans – d)

________ refers to the systematic evaluation of employee’s performance against predetermined

a) Recruitment
b) Selection
c) Promotion
d) Performance Appraisal

Ans – d)

Out of the following statements, which one is correct about training?

a) it increases the productivity of employees
b) It increases Employees Morale
c) It develops future managers
d) All of these

Ans – d)

Trainee work under the guidance of Master Worker under which method of training:

a) Apprenticeship Programme
b) Vestibule School
c) Internship
d) Induction Training

Ans – a)

The concept which involves the growth of the individual in all respect is:

a) Training
b) Development
c) Promotion
d) Transfer

Ans – b)

‘Badli’ workers are recruited by an organisation through:

a) Direct Recruitment
b) Employment Exchange
c) Advertisement
d) Casual callers

Ans – a)

Which step in the staffing process comes immediately after recruitment?

a) Selection
b) Orientation
c) Training
d) Compensation

Ans – a)

The imparting skill necessary to perform a job is called

a) Training
b) Development
c) Recruitment
d) Selection

Ans – a)

Analyzing existing employees is known as

a) Workload analysis
b) workforce analysis
c) Training
d) Development

Ans – b)

Which step of the staffing process aims at encouraging employees to grow and realise their full potential?

a) Recruitment
b) Placement of Orientation
c) Promotion and career planning
d) Performance Appraisal

Ans – c)

Manpower requirements involve:

a) Workload Analysis
b) Workforce Analysis
c) Both a) and b)
d) Neither a) not b)

Ans – c)

Staffing is a part of

a) Marketing management
b) Financial management
c) Human Resource Management
d) None of the above

Ans – c)

Analysing a total number of employees required to perform the job in the organisation
is known as

a) Workload analysis
b) Workforce analysis
c) Recruitment
d) Selection

Ans – a)

Under this type of training, employees are trained on the dummy model.

a) Internship Training
b) Vesstibule Training
c) Apprenticeship Training
d) Induction Training

Ans – b)

It refers to the overall growth of the employee:

a) Development
b) Training
c) Placement
d) Recruitment

Ans – a)

Visit by a senior manager to various professional colleges to search for prospective
candidates are known as

a) Internal Recruitment
b) Recommendations from employees
c) Employment Exchange
d) Campus Recruitment

Ans – d)

To find out the potential of learning a new job in the candidate, the following test is conducted.

a) Intelligence Test
b) Aptitude Test
c) Trade Test
d) Personality Test

Ans – b)

Recruitment, selection, and training are components of:

a) Planning
b) Organising
c) Staffing
d) Controlling

Ans – c)

A clerk of the company is now appointed to the post of chief accountant. Which method of
recruitment is being used?

a) Direct Recruitment
b) Casual Callers
c) Transfer
d) Promotion

Ans – d)

Which of the following is called a negative process:

a) Recruitment
b) Training
c) Selection
d) None of the above

Ans – b)

The Purpose of one of the training methods is to make the new employee feel at home and
develop a feeling of belongingness in the organisation. That method is

a) Induction training
b) Apprenticeship training
c) Internship
d) Vestibule School

Ans – a)

Under __ senior staff of the company conduct interview in various institutes, universities and colleges, to search prospective candidates.

a) Campus Recruitment
b) Direct Recruitment
c) Employment Exchange
d) Placement Agencies and Management Consultants

Ans – a)

Under _ an employee is given a brief presentation about the company and is introduced
to his colleagues.

a) Selection
b) Orientation
c) Training
d) Recruitment

Ans – b)

A duplicate model is prepared in

a) Induction training
b) Vestibule School
c) Apprenticeship Training
d) Internship

Ans – b)

Which method of recruitment is economical?

a) Internal
b) External
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above

Ans – a)

A test that examines candidate individual potential for learning a new skills:

a) Personality Test
b) Interest Test
c) Trade Test
d) Aptitude Test

Ans – d)

________ reveal the number and type of employees available with the organisation.

a) Training
b) Workforce Analysis
c) Interview
d) Selection

Ans – b)

The candidate who has applied for a job can clarify his queries during

a) Test
b) Employment interview
c) Medical Examination
d) Selection decision

Ans – b)

To know the emotions and values of the candidate following test is conducted:

a) Intelligence Test
b) Trade Test
c) Personality Test
d) Aptitude Test

Ans – c)

______ is choosing the best candidate from among the pool of the prospective

a) Development
b) Recruitment
c) Selection
d) Training

Ans – c)

Promotion involves

a) Financial incentives
b) Non-Financial Incentives
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above

Ans – c)

The suitable method of External Recruitment for getting unskilled laborers is

a) Recommendations from present employees
b) Employment exchange
c) Advertisement
d) Labour contractors

Ans – d)

Professional Institutes send their students to the corporate sector for doing

a) Apprenticeship Training
b) Internship
c) Induction Training
d) Vestibule School

Ans – b)

Which of the following tests measures the existing skill of an individual?

a) Intelligence Test
b) Interest Test
c) Trade Test
d) Aptitude Test

Ans – c)

Which step in the selection process comes immediately after the Selection Tests?

a) Job offer
b) Reference and Background Checks
c) Employment Interview
d) Medical Examination

Ans – c)

Which of the following is an external source of recruitment?

a) Direct Recruitment
b) Promotion
c) Advertisement
d) All of these

Ans – a), c)

No fresh idea will come under

a) Internal Recruitment
b) External Recruitment
c) Direct Recruitment
d) Indirect Recruitment

Ans – a)

Which of the following is the most serious problem that might arise due to excessive reliance
on Internal recruitment.

a) High labor turnover
b) Lack of motivation
c) Reduce job performance
d) Internal resistance

Ans – c)

An analysis that enables an assessment of the number and types of human resources required to perform various jobs is:

a) Development
b) Promotion
c) Recruitment
d) Work Load Analysis

Ans – d)

Which of the following is called a negative process:

a) Development
b) Selection
c) Recruitment
d) Training

Ans – b)

Payment of salary/wage to the employees according to the piece of work

a) Time based plan
b) Performance-based plan
c) Insertion based plan
d) Compensation

Ans – b)

Efficient staff can help organisations to win over:

a) Competitors
b) Managers
c) Society
d) Superiors

Ans – a)

__________ is a joint programme of training between the educational institutions and business firms

a) Apprenticeship Training
b) Vestibule Training
c) Internship Training
d) Induction Training

Ans – c)

Identify the correct order of the first four steps of the staffing process.

1) Selection
2) Placement and Orientation
3) Estimating the Manpower Requirements
4) Recruitment

a) 1-2-3-4
b) 4-2-3-1
c) 2-3-4-1
d) 3-4-1-2

Ans – d)

Staffing is for:

a) Big organisation
b) Small organisation
c) a) and b) both
d) None

Ans – b)

Human resource management is for:

a) Large organisation
b) Small organisation
c) a) and b) both
d) None

Ans – a)

Nominal Remuneration in the form of stipend is paid in case of:

a) Internship Training
b) Induction Training
c) Apprenticeship Training
d) Vestibule Training

Ans – c)

Astra Builders has to deliver the flats to its buyers on time. Due to this, there is a sudden
rush to work, Therefore, the company needs to arrange workers to work at the sites at a short
notice. The source of recruitment which may be used by the company to tap the casual
vacancy is:

a) Direct Recruitment
b) Advertisement
c) Recommendation of employees
d) Employment Exchange

Ans – a)

SCT services CEO Rajan Gopinath’s Compensation includes salary, commission and other allowances.
The company also pays for his insurance and vacations. Identify one indirect payment being made
by the company to the CEO.

a) Employer paid Insurance
b) Salary
c) Commission
d) Allowances

Ans – a)

Using external sources for filling vacant positions:

i) Gives a wider choice
ii) Simplifies the process of selection
iii) Instils a competitive spirit among the existing employees
iv) Does not infuse fresh talent in the organisation

Choose the correct option from the following:

a) i and ii
b) i and iii
c) i, iii, and iv
d) ii and iv

Ans – b)

_______ the test is a measure of an individual’s potential for learning new skills:

a) Personality
b) Aptitude
c) Intelligence
d) Interest

Ans – b)

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Anurag Pathak
Anurag Pathak

Anurag Pathak is an academic teacher. He has been teaching Accountancy and Economics for CBSE students for the last 18 years. In his guidance, thousands of students have secured good marks in their board exams and legacy is still going on. You can subscribe his Youtube channel for free lectures

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